Last week I've got the brief from Guilty Pleasure Magazine call for illustrators in contributing magazine project. They gave me an article about "The psychology of bitching"! Have you wonder of how rude its going to be. I've sketched so many ideas about bitching and wonder of how they bitch, hows the bitchy looks like, what activities I should create a story to them. There are several ideas but they told me the description about the girls whispering and look down to each other. That could scope my imagination a bit, I haven't read the real article just got the title of it. so its quite open for me and ok let me guess the mood and tone of it. Finally it success! they like it and I think its different what I've practice that I'll read the whole article and try to understand the key from author and communicate it out. This one come from the title but its also work out!.. quite good :)

This one is using of ZIPS to represent the way of gossip/whispering. Even they can close it but it isnt the way of bitchy does. The costume and appearance also reflect to the bitchy girls
I'd like to make it simple and convey meaning directly to the article, and what they need for as well. The magazine is a kind of lifestyle and fashion so I made this to looks like a fashion illustration. use opposition color to attract and mood and tone of this kind of girls.
This is quite different and extend meaning from the first two. It shows the girls look down to each others and also keep chatting upon one's head. Which I think the head is the most highest and definitely its the part of respect and honour. The girls is gossiping with so much saliva on her head. It looks quite funny but I think it shows obviously the dirty and rude of this kind of girls.
For those outcome, I still feel that I should develop more in another medium. Using of watercolor is looks soft and gentle but I made it more strong but contrast with black thick outline. Somehow I should make another version with more appropriate medium!